We are local artisans using materials of the highest quality to craft one-of-a-kind ovens that are fine-tuned to your needs and built-to-last. While many are of high quality, we do not believe in the supremacy of European ovens. Instead, we believe in contributing to the ongoing development of an American-based ovencrafting tradition that is based on careful research, skilled practice, attention to details, and the use of quality modern materials.
Instead of manufacturing modular cores with “castable” refractory concrete, we choose to build with quality refractory bricks, fabricated in a controlled environment by refractory professionals, because they are more durable and more reliable than castings. Using small units allows us to create an oven with hundreds of minuscule “expansion joints” between bricks laid tightly and precisely. These expansion joints absorb the rigors of thermal cycling so that structural degradation does not occur as it might in an oven composed of large castings.
We believe that, whether it is for home or business, your oven should not be a look-alike, but rather, a personal oven, uniquely suited to your baking and aesthetic needs. And, as with all of our work, we believe that our personal relationship with the client is an important one.

Low-mass pizza ovens
- Thin shell dome + heavy insulation + multiple foil barriers for fast heat up and high temps
- Ideal for casual pizza parties or light bread baking
- Standard model includes stucco finish and stainless steel entry/vent, custom finish options available
- Available in 30”, 36”, 48″ diameter
- Starting at 4K core only

High-mass multi-use ovens
- Rectangular hearth with vaulted ceiling
- 4.5” thick vault + 4-6″ insulation + multiple foil barriers for high temps and lasting heat retention
- Ideal for heavier use including multi-round bread baking or longer cooking items such as poultry or roasts
- Can be finished in stucco, brick, stone, metal, wood, etc.
- Available in 2’x3’, 3’x4’ hearth size
- starts at $3500 core only

Commercial High-Mass Pizza Ovens
- 4.5” thick walls and hearth + heavy insulation + multiple foil barriers
- Available in 36”, 48”, 60” diameter (custom sizes available on request)
- Standard model includes stucco finish and stainless steel entry/vent, custom finish options available
- Starts at $6000 for core, exclusive of base, facade, chimney

Commercial High-mass Bread/Bagel Ovens
- 4.5-9” mass in walls, 5-10+” mass in hearth, heavy insulation + multiple foil barrier
- Robust steel harnessing
- Each design is customized–establishing vault height, door dimensions, and extra features according the the baker’s needs
- Available in sizes ranging from 3’x5’ to 6’ x 10’
- Core-only or custom turn-key options available
- Pricing available on custom basis. All-in costs range from 13K for small oven with simple enclosure to upwards of 60K. Core only starting at $7500

Mobile Pizza Ovens
- High-mass or low-mass according to business needs
- Custom trailer with torsion axles, electric brakes, powder-coat, leveling jacks
- Available in 36” and 48” diameter hearth size
- Custom finishes and trailer add-ons available
- Starts at $15,000 for complete oven and trailer

Mobile Bread Ovens
- 4.5” walls, 5” hearth, heavy duty insulation + multiple foil barriers
- These ovens can be used for pizza or any wood-fired cooking
- Available in 3’x4′, 3’x5’, 4×6’, 4×7’ hearth size
- Heavy-duty steel harness
- Custom 6×10 trailers with tandem torsion axles and electric brakes
- Custom finishes available in a variety of materials
- Starts at $22,000 for complete 3’x4′ oven and trailer
Have a project in mind? Drop us a line below. Thanks!

Hand-built for durability, efficiency and beauty, our brick ovens are customized to your cooking needs and aesthetic preferences.
Old-world technology and modern design combine to create a wood-fired heat source you can really cozy up to.
Locally sourced, locally milled timbers are used to create an architectural statement that embodies strength and elegance.